She’s finally here! Little Miss Paige was born on July 6th weighing in at 7lbs 15oz. We did her newborn session when she was just 6 days old. I spent the morning with this cutie and her parents in their beautiful home (filled with natural light I might add). Jim and Ashley are SO sweet and were constantly making sure I had everything I needed. Ashley poured me a glass of water when I hadn’t even asked for one. Things like that always stand out in my mind because it shows the type of person someone is. Paige is lucky to have such kind parents.
Ashley had a c-section since Paige was breech, and as you’ll see in the pictures…she looks amazing. I’m sure she was exhausted, but she looked refreshed, and was glowing! I’d love to know her secret because I definitely did not look like that after delivering my little ones.
Paige was an angel for the session, which was surprising since girls are usually feisty, and give me a run for my money. Congratulations, Jim & Ashley, on your beautiful little girl!! Thanks for welcoming me into your home!