McGovern Family | Chester Springs Family Photographer

It’s always flattering when another photographer asks you to shoot their family photos! Marisa had contacted me last year hoping to book a mini session, but she wound up having a wedding to attend on the day I was offering them. A few months later she reached out again & we set up a family shoot! I knew I’d love working with her when she requested an evening session so we could take advantage of the golden light. I prefer to shoot in the early morning or an hour or two before sunset, but that isn’t always the most ideal time for clients (esp if they have little ones), so I was very much looking forward to this session. I also got to shoot at a location I’ve never been to before which I always love!

I’ve found that it is fairly common for us photographers to have a million photos of our kids, but very few of us WITH our kids or significant other since we are usually the one behind the camera. This was Marisa’s first time having her own family photos taken. I’m glad we were able to spend the evening together & that she finally has some images of her with her family!


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